Shipping Information - Oviup
United States: Orders are shipped from our warehouse in France/Spain and typically take 4-12 business days to arrive.
United Kingdom & Europe: Orders ship from our warehouse in France/Spain and take 7-15 business days. Pricing includes all customs duties, so no additional import fees will be charged.
Canada: Orders are dispatched from our central logistics hub in Asia and take 7-12 business days to arrive. Pricing includes customs duties, ensuring no additional import fees.
Australia: Orders are shipped from our warehouse in WA, East Perth, with delivery within 7-12 business days. All customs duties are included in the price, with no extra import charges.
Rest of the World: Orders ship from our central logistics hub in Asia and typically arrive within 7-12 business days.
Insured Shipping:
While we do our best to ensure smooth delivery, issues like lost or missing packages can occur. With insured shipping, if your package is confirmed lost or stolen after our investigation, we’ll promptly send a replacement. Without insured shipping, we cannot guarantee a replacement for stolen items.
Processing Times:
Orders are processed within 1-2 business days on regular working days.
Returns Policy
We’re proud of the products we create and want you to love them as much as we do. If you're not satisfied with your first Oviup package, contact us within 30 days of receipt for a refund or exchange.
Note: Returns or exchanges cannot be accepted for items that have been opened or used.